teoria.com exercises are divided into three categories:
Ear Training and Sight Singing Practice
Ear Training
Rhythmic Reading
Read a rhythmic pattern with different levels of difficulty using simple and compound meters.
- Rhythmic patterns are categorized under simple measures using quarter notes or half notes as time unit and compound measures using the dotted eighth note as time unit . Select the desired time signatures (green color indicates selection).
- With minimum note values: exercises will use patterns using the selected minimum note values. For example if eighth and sixteenth note values are selected some exercises will use eighth notes while others will use sixteenth note as minimum values.
- Include patterns using:
the exercise will include patterns with the selected characteristic. For example if Rests and No rests are both selected, some exercises may include rests while others may not.
- Do not subdivide beats in compound meters: if you select this option, the metronome will only play the beats on compound measures (dotted quarter notes in 6/8). If not selected, the metronome will also play on each subdivision. It only affects compound measures.
The exercise
You will listen to the beats. In the case of simple measures, each beat is the time unit of the measure (quarter notes in 2/4, half notes in 2/2). In the case of compound measures, each beat is a subdivision of the time unit (in 6/8 each beat is equivalent to an eighth note). To answer:
- Use any key except ENTER/RETURN or R to play the written rhythm.
- Press R to start again, ENTER/RETURN when finished.
- Click Start again in case you want to start playing the rhythm again.
- Click Play it for me if you want to listen to the rhythm. All notes are marked wrong unless you have already finished answering the exercise.
Exercise correction
- Notes that are played early are marked with a left arrow () while those played too late are marked with a right arrow ().
- The X () is used to mark notes that where not played.
- We recommend using a computer or MIDI keyboard to answer. Do not use the button unless you do not have a keyboard.
- Tap the keys when answering, do not leave the keys pressed. The exercise does not check for note durations, it only checks the attacks.
- You do not have to use too much force.
- For faster notes, you can press different keys with fingers from both hands.
- Using the spacebar is not recommended.
- Be careful not to press two keys at the same time. The exercise will count them as two notes.
Key and Note Ear Training
This exercise plays notes in group of 3 to 9 notes for aural identification using a selected major or minor key.
- Key - Select a major or minor key. In the case of minor keys, the notes of the minor natural, harmonic or melodic scales are used.
- Degrees - Select the degrees you want to use.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Tempo: sets the tempo in which notes are played.
- Use movable Do when answering - allows answering using movable Do. In the case of minor keys, C is the tonic. You can use Eb or E natural for the III degree. Degrees VI and VII work similarly.
- Compound interval use compound intervals (larger than an octave).
- Answer using: you can answer using a one-octave visual keyboard, a two-octave keyboard or the note name. Even if you use the 2-octave keyboard, the answer is considered correct regardless of the octave.
- Play notes in groups of: specify the number of notes in each group.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
The exercise begins by playing a short chord progression to establish the selected key. Then it plays a group of notes.
Identify the notes by clicking on the note buttons or the visual keyboard.
If your answer is correct, the note will be written with a green checkmark above it. If your answer is wrong, the correct note (not the one you wrote) is written with a red X above.
To answer with the computer keyboard
- Press keys: C, D, E, F, G, A or B. The notes are written using accidentals from the selected key. An F in G major writes an F#.
- If you prefer, you can use numbers 1 to 8 to specify the degree: I, 2 = II, 3 = III, etc.
- Press enter / return for the next exercise.
- Press the spacebar to play the notes again.
Answering using MIDI keyboard
You can answer with a MIDI keyboard if you use Google Chrome version 43 or higher and you have a MIDI keyboard connected to your computer.
After answering, click any key on the MIDI keyboard for the next exercise.
Key and Chromatic Note Ear Training
This exercise play a chromatic note for aural identification using a selected major or minor key.
- Key - Select a major or minor key. In the case of minor keys, the notes of the minor natural are used.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Answer using: you can answer using a one-octave visual keyboard, a two-octave keyboard or the note name. Even if you use the 2-octave keyboard, the answer is considered correct regardless of the octave.
- Play notes in groups of: specify the number of notes in each group.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
The exercise begins by playing a short chord progression to establish the selected key. Then it plays the chromatic note.
Identify the note by clicking on the note buttons or the visual keyboard.
If your answer is correct, the note will be written with a green checkmark above it. If your answer is wrong, the correct note (not the one you wrote) is written with a red X above.
Answering using MIDI keyboard
You can answer with a MIDI keyboard if you use Google Chrome version 43 or higher and you have a MIDI keyboard connected to your computer.
After answering, click any key on the MIDI keyboard for the next exercise.
Random Key and Note Ear Training
This exercise plays notes in a group of 3 to 9 notes for aural identification using a randomly selected major or minor key.
- Key - Select a major or minor keys. In the case of minor keys, the notes of the minor natural, harmonic or melodic scales are used.
- Limit key signatures to 4 accidentals: select to limit key signatures to 4 accidentals.
- Degrees - Select the degrees you want to use.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Tempo: sets the tempo in which notes are played.
- Use movable Do when answering - allows answering using movable Do. In the case of minor keys, C is the tonic. You can use Eb or E natural for the III degree. Degrees VI and VII work similarly.
- Compound interval use compound intervals (larger than an octave).
- Answer using: you can answer using a one-octave visual keyboard, a two-octave keyboard or the note name. Even if you use the 2-octave keyboard, the answer is considered correct regardless of the octave.
- Play notes in groups of: specify the number of notes in each group.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
The exercise begins by playing a short chord progression to establish the key. Then it plays a group of notes.
Identify the notes by clicking on the note buttons or the visual keyboard.
If your answer is correct, the note will be written with a green checkmark above it. If your answer is wrong, the correct note (not the one you wrote) is written with a red X above.
To answer with the computer keyboard
- Press keys: C, D, E, F, G, A or B. The notes are written using accidentals from the selected key. An F in G major writes an F#.
- If you prefer, you can use numbers 1 to 8 to specify the degree: I, 2 = II, 3 = III, etc.
- Press enter / return for the next exercise.
- Press the spacebar to play the notes again.
Answering using MIDI keyboard
You can answer with a MIDI keyboard if you use Google Chrome version 43 or higher and you have a MIDI keyboard connected to your computer.
After answering, click any key on the MIDI keyboard for the next exercise.
Random Key and Chromatic Note Ear Training
This exercise plays a chromatic note for aural identification using a randomly selected major or minor key.
- Key - Select a major or minor keys. In the case of minor keys, the notes of the minor natural, harmonic or melodic scales are used.
- Limit key signatures to 4 accidentals: select to limit key signatures to 4 accidentals.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Answer using: you can answer using a one-octave visual keyboard, a two-octave keyboard or the note name. Even if you use the 2-octave keyboard, the answer is considered correct regardless of the octave.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
The exercise begins by playing a short chord progression to establish the key. Then it plays the chromatic note.
Identify the note by clicking on the note buttons or the visual keyboard.
If your answer is correct, the note will be written with a green checkmark above it. If your answer is wrong, the correct note (not the one you wrote) is written with a red X above.
Answering using MIDI keyboard
You can answer with a MIDI keyboard if you use Google Chrome version 43 or higher and you have a MIDI keyboard connected to your computer.
After answering, click any key on the MIDI keyboard for the next exercise.
Key Signatures Construction
In this exercise you must build key signatures of major and minor keys.
- Keys: select major and/or minor (green color indicates selection).
- Limit key signatures to 4 accidentals: select to limit key signatures to 4 accidentals.
- Accidentals: the type of accidentals to use.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error. If not selected, the correct key signature is written but marked as wrong.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
- Build the key signature by pressing C# to B# or Cb to Bb buttons.
- Press Undo to delete the last written accidental.
- Press Check Answer when finished.
To answer with the computer keyboard
- Press the key related to the accidental: C, D, E, F, G, A, B.
- Press the #/3 key for a sharp or b for a flat.
- Press Z to delete the last accidental.
- Press enter/return when finished.
Key Signatures Identification
In this exercise you must identify major and minor key signatures.
- Keys: select major and/or minor (green color indicates selection).
- Limit key signatures to 4 accidentals: select to limit key signatures to 4 accidentals.
- Accidentals: the type of accidentals to use.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error. If not selected, the correct key signature is shown but marked wrong.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the key signature by clicking the related button. For example for Bb key signature, click Bb.
To answer with the computer keyboard
- Press letters C, D, E, F, G, A, B followed by #/3 in case of sharp, b for flat or enter/return in the case of no accidental.
- Examples:
- D: d, enter/return
- Bb: b, b
- Press enter/return for the next exercise.
Scale Construction
You must write the scale's notes beginning on the given note.
- Scales: select the types of scales you would like to use (green color indicates selection).
- Limit accidentals: limit key signatures to 4 accidentals.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error. If not selected, the correct note is written but marked as wrong.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Click on the appropriate buttons to write the notes.
Scale Identification
You must identify the scale.
- Scales: select the types of scales you would like to use (green color indicates selection).
- Limit accidentals: limit key signatures to 4 accidentals.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the scale by clicking the scale name.
Triad Construction
Build a triad from the given note.
- Triads: select the triads you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Inversions: select the inversions you want to use.
- Accidentals:
- Sharps and flats: natural, sharp and flat notes.
- Any accidental: any accidental including double sharps and flats.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Build the chord by clicking the related buttons.
Triad Identification
Identify a triad.
- Triads: select the triads you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Inversions: select the inversions you want to use.
- Open position chords: use open position chords.
- Accidentals:
- Sharps and flats: natural, sharp and flat notes.
- Any accidental: any accidental including double sharps and flats.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the chord type and inversion by clicking the related buttons.
Press P or the space bar to play the chord.
Seventh Chord Construction
Build a seventh chord from the given note.
- Seventh Chords: select the chords you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Inversions: select the inversions you want to use.
- Accidentals:
- Sharps and flats: natural, sharp and flat notes.
- Any accidental: any accidental including double sharps and flats.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Build the chord by clicking the related buttons.
Seventh Chord Identification
Identify a seventh chord.
- Seventh Chord: select the chords you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Inversions: select the inversions you want to use.
- Open position chords: use open position chords.
- Accidentals:
- Sharps and flats: natural, sharp and flat notes.
- Any accidental: any accidental including double sharps and flats.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the chord type and inversion by clicking the related buttons.
Press P or the space bar to play the chord.
Extended Chords Construction
Build a seventh chord with extensions (9, 11, 13).
- Chords and extensions: select the chords and extensions you want to use (green color indicates selection). You can select all extensions of any type of chord by clicking on the chord button.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Build the chord by clicking the note buttons.
To answer using the computer keyboard:
- Press the letters: C, D, E, F, G, A, B.
- Or numbers: 1 = C, 2 = D, 3 = E, 4 = F, G = 5, 6 = A, 7 = B.
- Repeatedly press the key corresponding to a note to add a sharp, a flat, etc.
- When you see the note with the correct accidental, press enter/return.
- Press enter/return for next exercise.
You must to type all chord notes without using enharmonic spellings (D# is not equal to Eb).
Extended Chords Identification
Identify a seventh chord with extensions (9, 11, 13).
- Chords and extensions: select the chord and extensions you want to use (green color indicates selection). You can select all extensions of any type of chord by clicking on the chord button.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the chord by identifying the type of seventh chord followed by the extensions.
Harmonic Function - Triad Construction
Build a triad over a given degree of a major or minor scale.
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection). If you select Minor key common chords, the following minor key chords will be used: I: minor, II : diminished, III: major, IV: minor, V: major: VI: major, VII: diminished.
- Chords: select Use inversions if you want to use inversions.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Build the chord by clicking the related buttons.
Harmonic Function - Triad Identification
Identify the degree and type of a chord.
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection). If you select Minor key common chords, the following minor key chords will be used: I: minor, II : diminished, III: major, IV: minor, V: major: VI: major, VII: diminished.
- Chords: select Use inversions if you want to use inversions.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the degree, chord type and inversion by clicking the related buttons.
Harmonic Function - Seventh Chord Construction
Build a seventh chord over a given degree of a major or minor scale.
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection). If you select Minor key common chords, the following minor key chords will be used: I: minor 7th, II : half-diminished 7th, III: major 7th, IV: minor 7th, V: dominant 7th, VI: major 7th, VII: diminished 7th.
- Chords: select Use inversions if you want to use inversions.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Build the chord by clicking the related buttons.
Harmonic Function - Seventh Chord Identification
Identify the degree and type of a chord.
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection). If you select Minor key common chords, the following minor key chords will be used: I: minor 7th, II : half-diminished 7th, III: major 7th, IV: minor 7th, V: dominant 7th, VI: major 7th, VII: diminished 7th.
- Chords: select Use inversions if you want to use inversions.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the degree, chord type and inversion by clicking the related buttons.
Harmonic Function - Secondary Chords Construction
Build a secondary dominant and diminished chords on major or minor keys.
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Chords: select the desired types of secondary chords to use.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Build the chord by clicking the related buttons.
Secondary Chords Identification
Identify a secondary dominant and diminished seventh chords.
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Chords: select the desired types of secondary chords to use.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the secondary chord by clicking the related buttons.
Neapolitan Sixth Chords Construction
Build a Neapolitan sixth chord on major or minor keys.
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Build the chord by clicking the related buttons.
Augmented Sixth Chords Construction
Build an augmented sixth chord on major or minor keys.
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Build the chord by clicking the related buttons.
Augmented and Neapolitan Sixth Chords Identification/h4>
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Limit key signatures to 4 accidentals: select to limit key signatures to 4 accidentals.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the degree, chord type and inversion by clicking the related buttons.
To answer using the computer keyboard
- Press the letters: N for Neapolitan sixth, I for Italian, F for French and G for German augmented sixth.
- Press enter / return for the next exercise.
- Pres the spacebar to listen.
Reading and Writing Transposing Instruments
You must transcribe to concert pitch a melody written for a transposing instrument or transcribe a concert pitch melodyfor a transposing instrument.
- Select if you want to transcribe from transposing instrument to concert pitch, from concert pitch to transposing instrument or both.
- Keys: use major or minor keys.
- Select the instruments you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Select the key signature and then transcribe the melody in concert pitch.
Writing notes:
- Click the desired note value and accidental.
- Click the desired note name.
- Click the up or down arrow to raise or lower the note octave.
- Click Undo to erase the last note. If you click Undo after erasing the last note, you can change the key signature.
- Click Check answer once you have written the complete melody.
Chord, Scales and Modes
Select the mode or scale related to a given chord.
- Select the modes and scales you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Limit accidentals: do not use accidentals in chords' roots.
- Show chord: writes the chord notes on the staff.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Select the mode related to the chord. You can answer using the keys shown before the mode name.
See Chords and related scales to learn about this topic.
Modes and Parent Scales
Identify a mode's parent scale and degree.
- Select the modes you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the mode and then identify the scale and the degreeit is related to.
Interval Ear Training From Note
Aurally identify melodic and harmonic intervals build over a selected note.
- Build interval from: select the desired note. All intervals will be built from this note.
- Intervals: select the intervals you want to use (green color indicates selection). You can click on Intervals to select all intervals. Click buttons 2 to 7 and Diminished to Augmented to select all intervals related intervals.
- Use compound intervals: select this option to allow the use of intervals larger than an octave.
- Direction: in melodic intervals notes are played in succession, in harmonic intervals both notes are sounded simultaneously.
- Type:
- Melodic: intervals notes are played in succession.
- Harmonic: both notes are played simultaneously.
- Melodic & harmonic: the interval is first played harmonically, then melodically.
- Answer using:
- Interval: answer using the interval name.
- Note: answer using the note name.
- Visual keyboard: answer using a visual keyboard.
- If my answer is not correct I want to: if you select compare my answer with the correct one you will not be able to retry in case of an incorrect answer and you will listen to your incorrect answer compared to the correct answer.
- Tempo: determines the speed at which the notes are played in melodic interval.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the interval using interval or note name or clicking the second note on a visual keyboard.
Note Ear Training
This exercise plays notes in group of 1 to 9 notes for aural identification.
- Notes to be used:
- Select the notes you want to use (green color indicates selection) by clicking the keyboard keys in the options page.
- Click All or None to quickly select all notes.
- The white button select the white keys only.
- The black button select the black keys only.
- Use flats - flats will be used. If no selected, sharps are used.
- Play notes in groups of: specify the number of notes in each group.
- Show first note: if selected, the first note will be identified.
- Compound interval: use compound intervals (larger than an octave).
- Clef: select the clefs you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Answer using: you can answer using a one-octave visual keyboard, a two-octave keyboard or the note name. Even if you use the 2-octave keyboard, the answer is considered correct regardless of the octave.
- Tempo: sets the tempo in which notes are presented.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the notes by clicking on the note buttons or the visual keyboard.
If your answer is correct, the note will be written with a green checkmark above it. If your answer is wrong, the correct note (not the one you wrote) is written with a red X above.
Twelve-tone Row Ear Training
This exercise plays twelve-tone row for aural identification.
Clef: select the clefs you want to use (green color indicates selection).
Tempo: sets the tempo in which notes are presented.
Answer using: you can answer using a one-octave visual keyboard or a two-octave keyboard. Even if you use the 2-octave keyboard, the answer is considered correct regardless of the octave.
Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the notes by clicking on the visual keyboard.
If your answer is correct, the note will be written with a green checkmark above it. If your answer is wrong, the correct note (not the one you wrote) is written with a red X above.
Chord and Note Ear Training
Aurally identify a single note played after a triad or seventh chord.
- Triads and Seventh Chords: select the chords you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Select added note using:
- Chord notes: the note is selected from the chord notes.
- Intervals: the note is build using selected intervals from the chord root note.
- Answer using:
- Interval: answer by identifying the inteval between the root note and the played note.
- Note: answer using the note name.
- Visual keyboard: answer using a visual keyboard.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the note that follows the chord using the note name or clicking the notes on a visual keyboard.
Triad Ear Training
Aurally identify a triad.
- Triads: select the triads you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Inversions: select the inversions you want to use.
- Open position chords: use open position chords.
- Answer using:
- Chord: answer using the chord name.
- Note: answer using the note name.
- Visual keyboard: answer using a visual keyboard.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the chord using chord or note name or clicking the notes on a visual keyboard.
Seventh Chord Ear Training
Aurally identify a seventh chord.
- Seventh Chord: select the chords you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Inversions: select the inversions you want to use.
- Open position chords: use open position chords.
- Answer using:
- Chord: answer using the chord name.
- Note: answer using the note name.
- Visual keyboard: answer using a visual keyboard.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the chord using chord or note name or clicking the notes on a visual keyboard.
Triads and Seventh Chord Ear Training
Aurally identify a triad or seventh chord.
- Triads: select the chords you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Seventh Chord: select the chords you want to use.
- Inversions: select the inversions you want to use.
- Open position chords: use open position chords.
- Answer using:
- Chord: answer using the chord name.
- Note: answer using the note name.
- Visual keyboard: answer using a visual keyboard.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the chord using chord or note name or clicking the notes on a visual keyboard.
Extended Chords Ear Training (one or two extensiones)
Aurally identify a seventh chord and extension(s) (9, 11, 13).
- Chords and extensions: select the chords and extensions you want to use (green color indicates selection). You can select all extensions of any type of chord by clicking on the chord button.
- Play extension(s) after chord if selected the extension is played a second later after the seventh chord.
- Answer using:
- Chord: answer using the chord type and extension.
- Note: answer using the note name.
- Visual keyboard: answer using a visual keyboard.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the chord and extension using chord or note name or clicking the notes on a visual keyboard.
Jazz Progressions
Aurally identify harmonic progressions using chord symbols (G7 Dm7, etc.).
- Levels: select the desired levels (green color indicates selection).
- Keys: select the keys you would like to use.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Each box represents a chord in the progression. To identify each chord, just click on the related box. Once correctly identified the question marks are replaced with the chord symbol:
Identifying chords using chord symbols
Once you have selected the main chord symbol, you will be able to select chord suffix and alternate bass if needed:
Click OK, once you see the correct symbol. Click Undo, to whatever you have previously written.
Scale Ear Training
Aurally identify a scale or mode.
- Scales: select the scales you want to use (green color indicates selection).
- Tempo: determines the speed at which the notes are played in melodic interval.
- Answer using:
- Scale: answer using the scale name.
- Note: answer using the note name.
- Visual keyboard: answer using a visual keyboard.
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Clef: select the clef to use.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Answer in: limits the time you have to answer.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Identify the scale using scale or note name or clicking the notes on a visual keyboard.
Melodic Dictation
You must transcribe melodies in major and minor keys of different levels of difficulty.
Select the characteristics of the melodies to be used.
- Using scales: type of scales that can used in the melodies.
- With minimum note values: minimum note values in the melodies. If you select more than one value, for example quarter and eighth notes, some melodies may have quarter notes as minimum value while others may have eighth notes. If you just want melodies with minimum values of eighth notes, select only eighth notes.
- Using time signatures: you can select simple and/or compound measures.
- Melodic complexity:
- Notes 1 to 3: melodies using the first 3 notes of the selected scales.
- Notes 1 to 5: melodies using the first 5 notes of the selected scales.
- Arpeggios: tonic, subdomninant and dominant chords arpeggios.
- Notes 1 to 7: melodies using all notes of the selected scales. If you select minor scales, the melodies can use the altered notes of the harmonic and melodic minor scales.
- V7/IV and V7/V: melodies using raised IV degree (V/V) and lowered VII degree (V/IV) or raised III degree (V/IV) or raised IV degree (V/V) in minor keys.
- Chromatic: melodies using chromatic notes that may be related to secondary chords, Neapolitan, augmented sixths chords, modulation or nonharmonic tones.
- Show first note: If selected the first note is shown.
- Play reference before each exercise: If selected a short progression establishing the key will be played before each exercise.
- Auto Rhythm: If selected, you don't have to specify notes duration. To enter a rest, type any note.
- Clefs: select the clefs to use.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Writing notes:
- Click the desired note value and accidental.
- Click the desired note name.
- Click the up or down arrow to raise or lower the note octave.
- Click Undo to erase the last note.
- Click Check answer once you have written the complete melody.
Two Voice Dictation
You must transcribe two voices exercises in major and minor keys of different levels of difficulty.
Select the characteristics of the melodies to be used.
- Using scales: type of scales that can used in the melodies.
- With minimum note values: minimum note values in the melodies. If you select more than one value, for example quarter and eighth notes, some melodies may have quarter notes as minimum value while others may have eighth notes. If you just want melodies with minimum values of eighth notes, select only eighth notes.
- Melodic complexity:
- 3 notes: 3 notes long melodies.
- 4 notes: 4 notes long melodies.
- 5 notes: 5 notes long melodies.
- Degrees I and V: melodies using tonic (I) and dominant (V) harmonies.
- Degrees I, IV and V: melodies using tonic (I), subdominant (IV) and dominant (V) harmonies.
- Any degree: melodies using any degree harmonies.
- Secondary dominants: melodies using secondary chords.
- Show first note: If selected the first notes are shown.
- Play reference before each exercise: If selected a short progression establishing the key will be played before each exercise.
- Auto Rhythm: If selected, you don't have to specify notes duration. To enter a rest, type any note.
- Tempo: You can set a slower tempo by selecting Slower or set a faster tempo by selecting Faster. We suggest using the tempo Normal since audio quality may deteriorate by using the other options or may have no effect at all in some browsers.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
Writing notes:
- Click over the stave you want to write the notes. The active stave lines are in black color.
- Click the desired note value and accidental.
- Click the desired note name.
- Click the up or down arrow to raise or lower the note octave.
- Click Undo to erase the last note.
- Click Check answer once you have written the complete melody.
Key Ear Training
Identify the key after listening to a short melody and chord progression.
- Keys: select the desired keys (green color indicates selection).
- Retry in case of error: select if you want to be able to retry in case of error.
- Stop after: choose to end the exercise after a number of minutes or exercises.
- Click OK to start the exercise or press enter/return.
The exercise
Identify the key by clicking on the buttons.
To answer using the computer keyboard
If you answer using the note name or visual keyboard:
- Press the letters: C, D, E, F, G, A, B or numbers: 1 = C, 2 = D, 3 = E, 4 = F, G = 5, 6 = A, 7 = B.
- Continue pressing the same key until you see the note with the correct accidental, press enter / return.
- Press enter / return for the next exercise.
- Pres the spacebar to listen.
If you answer using the interval name:
- Press the 2 for seconds, 3 for thirds, etc. followed by M for major, m = minor, p = perfect, a = augmented, d = diminished.
- Press enter/return for the next exercise.
- Pres the spacebar to listen.
Select the note value and accidental using your computer numeric keypad (you can also use keys from the main keyboard):
NOTE: use '[' for double flat and ']' for double sharp on the main keyboard.
- Write the note using letters: C, D, E, F, G, A, B.
- Press delete to delete the last note.
- Press enter/return to check your answer
Editing notes
To edit a note, select it using the mouse or the left and right arrow keys. Use the buttons or keys to change duration, note name, octave, turn a note into a rest or a rest into a note. You can also use the up and down arrow keys to move the selected note or the note that you have just written if no note is selected.
You can select more than one note by selecting the first note and then clicking another note while pressing SHIFT or by pressing SHIFT + left or rigth arrow keys. Use the up and down arrow keys to move selected notes.
Press ESC or click outside the staff lines to remove the selection.
If you answer using the note name or visual keyboard:
NOTE: You can not answer using the keyboard if the Use accidentals options is active.
- Press the letters: C, D, E, F, G, A, B or numbers: 1 = C, 2 = D, 3 = E, 4 = F, G = 5, 6 = A, 7 = B.
- Press enter / return for the next exercise.
- Pres the spacebar to listen.
Answering using MIDI keyboard
You can answer with a MIDI keyboard if you use Google Chrome version 43 or higher and you have a MIDI keyboard connected to your computer:
- In the case of chords and intervals you can play all notes at the same time including the given note.
- In the case of scales you can play the given note.
- After answering, click any key on the MIDI keyboard for the next exercise.
While you answer the different exercises the score is updated in the screen. Click End exercise & view score for more details:
- Exercises: shows the total number of exercises.
- Correct answers: the number of correct answers.
- Wrong answers: the number of incorrect answers. If the option Retry in case of error is available and is selected, the number of answers may be larger than the number of exercises.
- The formula used to calculate the score is: score = correct answers / number of answers x 100.
If you sign in, you can click Save Score to save your score to the database. You can check your scores by:
- clicking Score after clicking the Save Score button
- clicking your name in the menu bar and then Scores
- following the Browse your scores link in the exercises index page