This fugue does not seems to have an exposition. We prefer to consider it a collection of stretti using the subject of the Art of the Fugue with some small variations in original, inverted and tranformed by diminution.

This illustration shows the structure of Contrapunctus VI. Click any section for more information::

First Stretto

Stretto 1

Key of D Minor

rectus Diminished subject inversus Inverted and diminished subject rectus aumentado Original subject

Second Stretto

Stretto 2

Key of A Minor

rectus Diminished subject inversus Inverted and diminished subject rectus aumentado Original subject

Third Stretto

Stretto 3

Key of D Minor

This stretto is followed by the inverted subject in the tenor:

rectus Diminished inversus Inverted and diminished rectus aumentado Original inversus aumentado Inverted

Fourth Stretto

Stretto 4

Key of F Major

inversus Inverted and diminished subject rectus aumentado Original subject

Fifth and Sixth Stretto

Stretto 5

Key of D Minor

Stretto 6

Key of G Minor

rectus Diminished inversus Inverted and diminished rectus aumentado Original inversus aumentado Inverted

Measures 40 to 46

After an episode the alto presents the inverted and diminished subject in the key of B flat followed by another episode.

inversus Inverted and diminished subject

Seventh Stretto

A double stretto followed by an episode.

Stretto 7

Key of D Minor

inversus Diminished subject rectus inversus aumentado Inverted subject

Eight Stretto

Stretto 8

Key of D Minor

rectus Diminished subject inversus aumentado Inverted subject

Ninth Stretto

Stretto 9

Tenor in F major, soprano and alto in D minor.

rectus Diminished subject inversus aumentado Inverted subject

Tenth Stretto

Stretto 10

Key of G Minor.
The fugue ends with a D major chord but the subjects are in G minor.

rectus Diminished subject inversus aumentado Inverted subject

Tonal Structure

This is the harmonic structure of Contrapunctus VI:

  Key Subjects
Stretto 1 D Minor
Stretto 2 A Minor
Stretto 3 D Minor
Subject in the tenor F Major
Stretto 4 F Major
Stretto 5 D Minor
Stretto 6 G Minor
Subject in the alto Bb Major
Stretto 7 D Minor
Stretto 8 D Minor
Stretto 9 Tenor: F Major
Soprano and alto: D Minor
Stretto 10 G Minor

Complete Fugue

rectus Diminished inversus Inverted and diminished rectus aumentado Original inversus aumentado Inverted


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