Level : Easy

Below the Sudoku board you will find discussions about the techniques used to solve this Sudoku. Use the buttons to the right and left of the board to step through.

Techniques used in this Sudoku:

  1. Box Row Column
  2. Triangulation
  3. Obvious Singles
  4. Last Free Cell

This is the strategy we will use:

  1. We start with Box Row Column and Triangulation.
  2. No solutions? Look for Obvious Singles and Last Free Cell.
  3. No solutions? Go back to step 1.


Only E1 is available! This is the Box Row Column technique:

If two boxes in a row or column have a repeated number, there may be only one option for the number in the third box.

Sometimes we are not so lucky. For example, we have 1s in cells E1 and I3. But in box 1, we have two cells (A2 and B2) that could contain the number 1. Let's keep searching...